April 2, 2017, Chairman of The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation visited Longquan Monastery in Beijing. He had a pleasant meeting with Venerable Xuecheng Shi, the Abbot and the chairman of Chinese Buddhist Association.
Mr. Shi (left) with the chairman of Chinese Buddhist Association, Venerable Xuecheng Shi
Mahayana Buddhism is a path available to people from all walks of life. It emphasizes the enlightenment of all beings and offers devotional path for lay people.
In America, it's trending that more people are interested in Meditation. Mahayana Buddhism has long history of meditation practice since 2600 years ago. The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation created programs to meet the demands of people in America, including Prison Dharma Program, Living and Dying Education, Tea and Zen Tasting.
Venerable Xuecheng Shi expressed his compassionate wishes for The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation and its social function in spreading Buddha's wisdom,practice and compassion.
The president of the online Buddhist platform smarttemple.com also joined the meeting.
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