All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
by Buddha
Mix Buddha's teaching in daily life and share with anyone. Through mindful meditation, we wish to change the quality of people's life. United, we will change our life, our family, our society and our world. Everyone is part of the all picture, no one is separated alone.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
- The first noble truth: Dukka.
- The second noble truth: Samudaya.
- The third noble truth: Nirodha.
- The fourth noble truth: Magga: the path.
- The doctrine of No-Soul.
- Meditation and mindfulness.
- Mental health.
- Living in the present moment.
Program and Activities
Buddhist Philosophy
Studying Buddhism is learning about our own nature. The subject is about our own mind. It is so important to know the mentality of our own mind, no matter whom we are, which group of people we belong to . To know our own mind is to know our own and others. The aim is to lay the foundations on which people’s minds and hearts can be transformed into their highest potential for the benefit of others, inspired by an attitude of responsibility.
The study of the mind is one of the guiding principles of Buddhism in general. It determines the quality of our life and of our relationships. It helps us to understand the root causes of our problems, and at the same time offers the remedies that can help us to change, to lead a happier, more satisfying and meaningful life. No matter we are in a time of transition, of emotional turmoil, or are just curious to find out about Buddhism, learning own mind will benefit all of us.
Teaching covers as following:
Diamond Sutra, Heart Sutra, The Principle of Buddhism, The Shastra on the Door to Understanding the 100 Dharmas, Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses, The Amitabha Sutra
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation is in a group or individually, to complement the teachings with intensive practice under experienced guidance.The purpose of meditation is to deepen the understanding of Dharma through intensive contemplation and integrating it into one's mind stream. Undisturbed by worldly activity, the mind has the opportunity to turn inward and explore our inner world.
Zen Tea Meditation
Zen Tea meditation, infuse Zen meditation with the tasting of tea. This will create peace and mindfulness in our daily life. Tea is also a healthy beverage for our health. Thich Nhat Hanh says “You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea. The practise of tea meditation helps one become fully present in the here and now”.
The practice of tea meditation helps one become fully present in the here and now. It is a perfect example of the fact that we can experience magic in even the most ordinary activities of our everyday life.
Monk and Monastery Support Program
Ordination is not something to be taken lightly. In the Buddhist tradition, it is intended to be a lifelong commitment. Therefore, those who sincerely seek ordination deserve proper guidance, encouragement and support. The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation provides support for food, accommodations, educations and health care in the underdeveloped Himalayan area , to ordained Sangha (monks and nuns) as well as monasteries and nunneries.
Prison Dharma Meditation Program
Prison life is incredibly stressful. We believe in the power of mindfulness practice and the various mindfulness-based interventions to change behaviors, heal and transform lives, and ultimately to prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and enhance community safety and wellbeing. Prison Dharma Meditation Program offers spiritual advice and teachings, as well as books and materials, to people in prison interested in exploring, studying and practicing Buddhism.
Education on Preparing for Death and Helping the Dying
Everyone who has ever lived has died. We are all dying - whether we have been diagnosed with a life threatening illness or not. Death can come at any time, at any age and in countless unexpected ways. In Buddhism, death is an opportunity for great spiritual achievement if one is prepared. Buddhists believe that a happy, positive, peaceful mind creates a life of good deeds and morality, which produces a happy, fortunate rebirth. Therefore, the death and dying education is very important virtually for everyone.