2024 Dragon Year Spring Festival Art and Mindfulness Journey
2024 Dragon Year Spring Festival Art and Mindfulness Journey, Chen Shaogong, Huang Pingping and Venerable Xian Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition
2024 Dragon Year Spring Festival Art and Mindfulness Journey, Chen Shaogong, Huang Pingping and Venerable Xian Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition
At the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year, everything is changing. In the days of returning to spring earth, we have passed an unprecedented year of 2020. The new coronavirus epidemic has caused many people to lose their precious lives, the world economy has been hit hard, and now we are living under strong natural and mental pressure. When the Chinese lunar calendar is approaching, The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation will hold a "Global Chinese New Year Blessings" event in New York. At this time, interfaith religious leaders, scholars, and social elites from all over the world, will send blessings together to our members and the people all over the world, praying for world peace and the people's health and happiness. We sincerely invite all of you to participate.
Zoom event link:
May 29th is Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday. International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation will hold a seven day ceremony to celebrate Buddha’s birthday and pray for world peace.
The pray will start at 10 A.M. May 29th, 2018 @ our shrine hall. If you are interested to participate, please book your spot at : huayanusa@gmail.com
* If you already booked in our center, please don’t register again.
Ven. Dr. Nakagaki, President of the Buddhist Council of New York, will share his new book "The Buddhist Swastika and Hitler's Cross", July 30, 3017 @4:00pm
The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation
20-47 129th Street
College Point, NY 12356
Rev. Dr. T. K. NAKAGAKI is a Buddhist priest, ordained in the 750-year-old Jodoshinshu tradition of Japanese Buddhism. He was ordained at the Nishi Hongwanji Temple in Kyoto, Japan, in 1980. He graduated from Ryukoku University in Kyoto, majoring in Buddhist History in 1983, and later conducted advanced study in Jodoshinshu Buddhist doctrine at Gyoshin Buddhist Seminary in Osaka, Japan, from 1983-1985. He received an M.A. in Linguistics from California State University at Fresno in 1994, and earned a Doctorate of Ministry in Multifaith studies from the New York Theological Seminary in 2012. Rev. Dr. Nakagaki is currently President of the Buddhist Council of New York, Hiroshima Peace Ambassador, Peace Correspondent of Nagasaki City, Community Clergy Liaison for the NYC Police Department, and former Vice President of the Interfaith Center of New York. He served as a resident priest for Jodoshinshu Buddhist communities in Seattle from 1985-1989, in Parlier, CA from 1989 -1994, and at the New York Buddhist Church from 1994-2010.
Compassion in Prisoner's Heart is a program for inmates who just want to communiate with outside world. All beings have Buddha's nature. So are the inmates in prisoner. Our heart could have infinitive possibilities. What we need to do is: just to direct our heart to get into the positive way, which will benefit our own and the people we love, now and future. We believe in the second chance and more chances. People who join this program don’t need to be a Buddhist, or to have any kind of faith to join this program. People from all faiths are welcome. Each inmate will be assigned one volunteer responder. Our volunteers will communicate with inmates through Buddhist perspectives.
If you know someone who is current an inmate and wants to join this program, please contact us with this person's name, address and his or her identify number in prisoner. We will communicate through mail. For the convinience of inmates, we will also put a stamped envelope inside mail.
Prison life is incredibly stressful. We believe in the power of mindfulness practice and the various mindfulness-based interventions to change behaviors, heal and transform lives, and ultimately to prevent crime, and enhance community safety and wellbeings. Prison Dharma Meditation Program offers spiritual advices and teachings through mail, as well as books and materials, to people in prison interested in exploring, studying and practicing Buddhism.
Guided meditation would include:
Body Scan Meditation
Mindful Walking
Mindful Eating
One-Pointed Meditation on Silence
Meditation On Compassion
Meditation On Happiness
And More _/|\_ Namaste!
If you know someone who is current an inmate and wants to join this program, please contact us with this person's name, address and his or her identify number in prisoner. For the convinience of inmates, we will also put a stamped envelope inside mail.
For more information, please visit our website at: www.huayaninternational.org or Email us at: littlebuddhatea@gmail.com
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
— Buddha
Lecture supported by The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation on Dying and Living will be held on Feb. 9th 7-8pm, 2017, in the Chelsea center of Sage USA. If you are interested, all are welcome to join.
Event website: http://www.sageusa.org/nyc/centers/calendar.cfm?d=2/9/2017&i=0¢er=midtown#date292017
Everyone who has ever lived has died. We are all dying - whether we have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness or not. Death can come at any time, at any age and in countless unexpected ways. In Buddhism, death is an opportunity for great spiritual achievement if one is prepared. Buddhists believe that a happy, positive, peaceful mind creates a life of good deeds and morality, which produces a happy, fortunate rebirth. Therefore, the death and dying education is very important virtually for everyone.
"One World, One Heart" event with Arts Exhibition " Art Connection Exhibition" will be held in the shrine hall of The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation at 2:00 p.m. , January 5, 2017. All are welcomed to participate. The following link is the preview of the partial exhibitions by different famous painters and calligraphers from USA, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhacMexphpY
April 25, 2015, earthquake occurred with a magnitude of 7.8, it killed more than 8,000 people and injured more than 21,000. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened,across many districts of the country. The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation’s volunteer went to Nepal to help after earthquake. Until now people, especially in village are still living in temporary shelters. April 26, 2017, a memorial event will be held on the second anniversary of 2015 Earthquake Nepal. Pray will start 10:30 Am. If you want to join us, please come before 10:30am.
Through practicing one-pointed meditation, our mind becomes clear, calm with the power of control. There will have a talk before meditation on why this kind of meditation works based on our daily experience. Class on November 19, 1:00PM -2:00PM still have space. If you are interestedm, you can come and register at the door. Couldn't wait to share with you guys about this ancient skill of peaceful mind. Namaste!
Ordination is not something to be taken lightly. In the Buddhist tradition, it is intended to be a lifelong commitment. Therefore, those who sincerely seek ordination deserve proper guidance, encouragement, and support. The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation intends to provide support for food, accommodations, educations and health care in the underdeveloped Himalayan area , to ordained Sangha (monks and nuns) as well as monasteries and nunneries.
“One World, One Heart” event for Buddhist monastery Palyul Theckchen Ling of Nepal will be held on December 30, 2016. The money donated in this event will be used for food, accommodations, educations and health care of monks, aged from 6 to 16 years old. All are welcomed! _/|\_ Namaste!
President Mr. Shi wrote Buddhist Heart Sutra on the main meditation hall of The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation. This adds tranquility and calm feeling to the hall.
The 6th International Buddhist Forum in Beijing China
Receiving is giving. Giving is receiving. Shining smiles for the day. The International Hua-Yan Buddhist Federation's volunteers offer cloth to little monks in Palyul Theckchen Ling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.
May all the sentiment being accumulate a lot merits for giving out!