Meditation Posture

7 Point Position

  • Your posture has to allow you to relax and to be comfortable.
  • Your posture has to allow you to remain alert and aware.
  • Make sure you aren’t holding yourself forcibly in what you think is a “good” posture.
  • How does it feel?
  • Do  your lower back flattened or slump?

#1 Legs

Full Lotus,  the feet rest on the opposite thighs, with the soles pointing upwards. Put the right foot on the left thigh, then put the left foot crossed over the right leg onto the right thigh. To reverse the direction of the feet is also acceptable.

Full lotus is said to be the best position for meditating. and is also in a very balanced and symmetrical posture.

Half Lotus, position requires that one foot be crossed over onto the thigh of the other. The other foot will be placed underneath the raised leg.

Burmese position, is similar to the Half Lotus, except that one foot is crossed over onto the calf, rather than the thigh, of the other leg. It’s very important for you to have both knees on the ground, to give you adequate support. Having three points of contact (your butt, and both knees) gives you a lot of stability.

If you can’t quite get both knees on the floor, then you can use some padding (a thin cushion or folded scarf) under your knee to keep you stable.




#2 Spine


Your spine should be upright, following its natural tendency to be slightly hollowed. You should neither be slumped nor have an exaggerated hollow in your lower spine. Your lower back should be erect. you need to have an open chest, with a sense of spaciousness across the front of your chest between your shoulders. This allows you to breath freely and to oxygenate the blood.Your spine should be relaxed. Your spine should not be leaning neither forward or backward, right or left.


#3 Hands

The hands form a so-called Dharma Realm Samadhi Mudra. The open left palm is above your right palm if your left leg is above  your right leg. To reverse, the open right palm is above your left palm if your right leg is above your left palm.

Your palms should be upward, with the tips of the thumbs slightly raised and gently touching. The hands are placed in front of the abdomen, and rest on the legs. The hands are held about four fingers’ width below the navel. This helps us to develop good concentration.

Your hands should be supported, either resting on a cushion or on your lap, so that your arms are relaxed.Make sure your hands are supported.Your arms weigh a lot. If your hands are not supported, then your shoulders have to carry all of that weight. That means either that your shoulders and back will tense to bear the weight of your arms, or your shoulder muscles will be overstretched. Either way it’s going to be uncomfortable.

Depending on factors like the relative length of your back and arms and your muscular flexibility, you may have to have your hands supported as high as just above the navel by putting a blanket on your lap.

If hands are held about four fingers’ width below the navel. This helps us to develop good concentration

#4 Shoulder

Let the shoulders be relaxed,The shoulders are slightly rolled back and down. In order to create good conditions for being aware in meditation, you need to have an open chest, with a sense of spaciousness across the front of your chest between your shoulders. This allows you to breath freely and to oxygenate the blood. The shoulders are level and the elbows are held slightly away from the sides to let air circulate

#5  The Tongue

The tip of the tongue should be lightly touching the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth. This prevents excessive salivation while also preventing our mouth from becoming too dry.

# 6 Head and Mouth

 Your head should be balanced evenly, with your chin slightly tucked in, so that the eyes are cast down.This helps prevent mental excitement.  The back of your neck should be relaxed, long, and open.The lips should be lightly touching.  At all times, breath through the nose, not through the mouth.

# 7 Eyes

The eyes should be slightly open and gazing downward at a forty-five degree angle. Your eyes are neither wide open nor completely closed. When rest the eyes in that direction, trying not to stare at anything. Closing the eyes may cause drowsiness.  However, if your eyes feel very tired you can close them for a short while.

If the eyes are wide open we are likely to develop mental excitement. Closing the eyes may cause drowsiness.

Your face should be relaxed, with your brow smooth, your eyes relaxed, your jaw relaxed, and your tongue relaxed and just touching the back of your teeth.