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Compassion in Prisoner's Heart Program

Compassion in Prisoner's Heart is a program for inmates who just want to communiate with outside world. All beings have Buddha's nature. So are the inmates in prisoner. Our heart could have infinitive possibilities. What we need to do is: just to direct our heart to get into the positive way,  which will benefit our own and the people we love, now and future. We believe in the second chance and more chances. People who join this program don’t need to be a Buddhist,  or to have any kind of faith to join this program. People from all faiths are welcome. Each inmate will be assigned one volunteer responder. Our volunteers will communicate with inmates through Buddhist perspectives.

If you know someone who is current an inmate and wants to join this program, please contact us with this person's name, address and his or her identify number in prisoner. We will communicate through mail.  For the convinience of inmates, we will also put a stamped envelope inside mail.